Free download london heist vr
Free download london heist vr

Dual PS Moves are a natural accompaniment to PS VR (N.B. The London Heist puts you straight into a gritty gangland thriller where you get to unleash your inner mobster. Or three: the player either shoots no one or misses their shot prompting Frank to use his knife and kill both Mickey and the player. Two: The player shoots Frank and stays loyal to Mickey. One: the player shoots and kills Mickey and stays loyal to Frank. One of three endings can then take place. A fight between Frank and Mickey ensues and it ends when the player gets the gun. Mickey then pulls a gun on Frank and threatens him by saying that he knows his plan to tie up loose ends. It then cuts to present day where the plan works and Frank comes down to the East London lockup to get serina. Mickey and the player then form a plan to draw Frank out of hiding by staging the interrogation between Mickey and the player and making it look like the player stole serina. After they kill their attackers they realize that Frank is tying up loose ends by killing French Tony and attempting to have Mickey and the player killed.

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As The player and Mickey are driving back to Frank they are attacked by several more of Kreslovs men on the road.

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player then has a shootout with Kreslovs security and escapes with serina. Mickey and the player then work together to steal serina however as they are stealing it the alarms go off which shocks them due to Frank saying he took care of the alarms the. In exchange for stealing serina Frank offers to make the player the next head of his criminal organization so that he can retire. A flashback to the previous day then shows the player working for a powerful crime boss named Frank who assigns him with stealing serina from Russian crime boss Viktor Kreslov after their associate French Tony was killed.

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The story begins with the player locked up in a place called the East London lockup undergoing interrogation from a man named Mickey about a missing diamond called serina.

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